Social Security

Social Security Basics: More Than Half of Americans Failed this Very Basic Test

This has been around awhile, but it’s still amazing to see that so many folks (well, 1500 in this sample anyway!) in the age range of 55 to 65 were unable to correctly answer a series of 12 basic questions…

Explaining “Payroll Taxes” and Who Pays Them

Yahoo Finance contributor Rickie Houston, in a post on their site, examines the composition of “payroll taxes,” a term that has again surfaced in the stream of commentary surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic implications. Houston’s article defines the term…

Economic Impact Payments – Who Doesn’t Qualify

The economic impact payments signed into law on March 27 as a key part of the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or the “CARES Act” are scheduled to begin arriving in Americans’ hands soon, but some folks will not qualify. In…

Avoiding the Mistakes That Produce Financial Shortfalls in Retirement

We’ve heard this before…there are some basic missteps you can take that will cost you comfort in the long run. One of the most frequently heard suggestions is to avoid filing for benefits too early, while close behind it is…

A Realistic Look at the “Maximizing Social Security” Incentive

In a post on, nationally syndicated former SSA analyst Tom Margenau takes a look at the popular notion that there exists a secret way of getting the highest possible payout from their earned Social Security benefit. As he points out, the “secret”…

COVID-19 and Your Decision to Claim Social Security Benefits

Those who have been weighing their options for Social Security benefits know that filing early (i.e. before their full retirement age – FRA) will result in a reduction from their FRA benefit. Likewise, they know that deferring their filing beyond…

Looking Ahead to 2021 COLA (Or, Lack Thereof)

Nobody really knows what will happen when the CPI-W numbers for the third quarter of 2020 are compared to 2019’s third quarter, but there is mounting speculation that there will likely be a year-over-year decline in living costs (at least…

Stimulus Checks – Some of the Details

As reported in yesterday’s headline article, the “Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act” or the “CARES Act” passed in Congress, providing for substantial stabilization in America’s economy during the unprecedented medical crisis sweeping the country. As approved, the Act provides critically needed…

FSA to Stop Wage Garnishment, Collections Actions for Student Loan Borrowers

The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) along with other consumer advocacy groups urged Education Secretary Betsy Devos to suspend the collection of defaulted federal student loans during the pandemic. In response, Education Department officials have ordered the private companies…

Understanding Survivor Benefits

One of the most-often questioned areas of Social Security relates to the issue of survivor benefits and what scenarios need to be considered when one’s initial filing decisions are made. For example, what will be the increase a lower-earning spouse…

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