
Social Security and the Debt Ceiling Argument

Douglas A. McIntyre, co-founder, chief executive officer and editor-in-chief of sounds the alarm for Social Security in the midst of negotiations on the nation’s debt ceiling. In his post, which you can read in full here, McIntyre suggests that failure…

We require a far more serious conversation about Social Security and Medicare

As both Social Security and Medicare programs are facing financial challenges in the near future, we–as Americans–deserve to have a constructive conversation about the future of Social Security and Medicare. Unfortunately, as we get closer to election day, we are…

Are you right to worry about Social Security?

The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund, which pays retirement and survivors benefits, will be able to pay scheduled benefits on a timely basis until 2034. The Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund, which pays disability benefits, is no longer…

Some core tenets of the bill to bolster Social Security

If Social Security 2100: A Sacred Trust becomes law, it will expand the Social Security program. The Social Security program has not changed or expanded benefits for almost 51 years, and many Congressional representatives believe it is time. John F.…

Why this change to Social Security is most likely to happen

There are many proposals to resolve the Social Security insolvency problem and preserve full benefits for Social Security recipients; not all have bipartisan support. However, there is one that enjoys this support: Tax income above $400,000 to help fund Social…

The Political Landmine That Social Security Regrettably Continues to be

There’s a reason almost no politician talks about reforming Social Security, even in the face of its looming insolvency. “Touch it, and you die” is the way most have described the program for decades. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is the…

Social Security’s Problems Should be Above Politics and Pandering

A plethora of proposals are consistently introduced in every Congress, generally by Democrats, promising enhanced Social Security benefits, whether as cost of living modifications, one-time payments, or permanent minimum benefit increases.  The problem with nearly all, which are intentionally written…

Op-ed: Don’t Raise Retirement Age. But is that advice even possible?

That Social Security needs reform is generally not in dispute. Reasonable people on all sides usually differ over how to shore up the program, not whether it needs shoring up. But Alicia Munnell of MarketWatch curiously seems not to acknowledge…

Social Security’s Solvency Dilemma: Drawing Closer and Closer

Social Security’s Board of Trustees will soon be issuing their annual assessment of where the program stands in relation to long-term financing, and it appears likely to some forecasters that the date for exhaustion of the program’s trust fund reserves will move…

Social Security Solvency: Sounding the Alarm (Again)

Meaningful Social Security reform has not actively been undertaken since the early 1980s, and the consequences are now evident. The program is now less than 15 years away from exhaustion of its once-considerable cash reserves–in fact, some creditable studies have…

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