Student Debt
Resumption of Past-Due Student Debt May Impact Many Retirees
As if the continuing rise in the cost of living isn’t enough, nearly half a million Social Security beneficiaries carrying past-due student debt are facing the potential of “harsh consequences.” As explained in a post by Pete Grieve, the…
FSA to Stop Wage Garnishment, Collections Actions for Student Loan Borrowers

The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) along with other consumer advocacy groups urged Education Secretary Betsy Devos to suspend the collection of defaulted federal student loans during the pandemic. In response, Education Department officials have ordered the private companies…
Student Loan Debt and the Impact on Retirement Savings
Saving money–for any reason–can be a difficult thing for many people, and for young and middle-aged adults, saving for retirement is a far away place that often gets pushed aside. Whether it’s debt incurred by the adult themselves of debt…