The Age 62 Conundrum Surfaces Once Again

One of the questions received most frequently by the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory staff is the very basic, “Should I retire at age 62 or wait?” And, as Forbes contributor John Wasik explains in a post on, the standard answer is “It depends” or perhaps a more definitive “maybe, maybe not.” The reality is that there is not a simple yes/no element to this question, with the decision being first, a hoghly personal one, and second, based on several key factors. Among these factors are financial need, health, and family history, as well as the issue of ensuring, for married couples, that you’ve adequately considered the impact on spousal benefits. Read Wasik’s post here…
If, after reading the referenced article, you still have questions around when to file, feel free to contact the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory staff for further discussion. Learn more about this free-to-the-public service via the Foundation’s website.