The Time for Retirement Savings is Now

Robert L. Reynolds, president and CEO of Putnam Investments and Great-West Financial, offers an opinion on the importance of taking appropriate steps to promote savings opportunities for the large portion of future retirees who are behind the curve, so to speak. Working toward “a grand collaboration between employers, workers, the financial services industry, government regulators, and Congress,” writes Reynolds, can lead us to a renewal of the “public/private can-do spirit that created Social Security in the darkest days of the Great Depression.” Reynolds’ post on can be accessed here…

Note also that the Association of Mature Americans (AMAC) has developed a legislative framework designed to serve as a road map for policy changes to address Social Security’s long-term solvency problem. The AMAC Social Security Guarantee recognizes the importance of providing opportunities for future retirees to accumulate funds for retirement, and includes a provision for the creation of “Early Retirement Accounts.” Learn about AMAC’s proposal here…

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