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Understanding the Retirement Earnings Test

For most Americans, Social Security plays an important role in maintaining retirement security. Benefit payments represent an income stream that is free of default, investment, inflation and longevity (outliving your money) risks. In other words, regardless of economic and market conditions, Social Security pays an annuity that will increase with inflation and continue for as long as you or your spouse live. It is well known that workers and spouses who qualify for Social Security can elect to receive them at any time between age 62 and 70. Benefits received prior to an individual reaching full retirement age are subject to an actuarial reduction for early retirement. Conversely, delaying benefits until age 70 results in an increase in the benefit amount. Less well known is the impact that continuing to work has on an individual who is already collecting Social Security. Read more…


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Comments On This Topic

  1. Why am I being forced to subscribe to a newspaper site that I wouldn’t normally use just to read the information contained in the full article on my AMAC site (I’m already an AMAC member)? You need to fix this and either post the entire article or supply a one-time limited access free pass to the site of the article.

    • Judy:

      Thank you for the comment, but I’m not sure I understand the issue? I went back and checked the link in the posted article, and have no problem viewing the entire article as posted on the Lowell Sun website? Here’s the direct link: Please try it again and let us know if the problem continues.

      Also, if you have any questions about the Earnings Test and how it works, please feel free to contact our Social Security Advisory Service.

      Thank you.

      Gerry Hafer
      AMAC Foundation

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