What You Should Know About Medicare Enrollment - MedicalNewsToday

To say that understanding all of the nuances of enrolling in Medicare is difficult is an understatement. Most know that age 65 is when you should enroll, but most don’t know exactly when, or even if they actually are required to enroll at age 65. Some turning 65 enroll in Medicare when they don’t even need to because they have other creditable healthcare coverage from an employer (they could thus temporarily avoid paying the monthly Part B premium). And did you know that those on Social Security Disability can be eligible for Medicare even before they are 65? All of this and more is explained in this article titled “When do people sign up for Medicare?” appearing at the MedicalNewsToday website. Click here to read the article.
Also, note that the AMAC Foundation is sponsoring a webinar on the overall subject of Medicare and its components. The webinar, scheduled for September 21 at 10:00 am, will address these topics:
Medicare’s Parts
Common Terms and Definitions
Thoughts on Managing Health Care Expenses
Your Medicare Options
Medigap Plans and How They Work
For details and to register, visit the Foundation website here…