Where does the candidate stand on…

A Simple Guide to the Real Differences Between the Democratic Candidates for President

Democrats might not get the competitive primary that many had hoped for, as Bernie Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont who announced he would seek the Democratic nomination Thursday, is unlikely to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton at the polls. That said, Sanders is a serious candidate, with decades of political experience and a devoted, if small, following, who holds substantively different views from Clinton on several important issues. If former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley also runs, as many expect he will, Democratic voters will have the chance to consider a few options….

Another major economic issue that could separate the presumptive nominee from her two likely challengers is the question of whether to expand or cut Social Security. “I think we do need to expand Social Security, and I think we need to be unabashed about it,” O’Malley said recently. This question presents treacherous politics for Clinton. Liberal Democrats warn that a number of older American workers are approaching retirement without enough money saved, meaning they’ll be forced either to work despite their failing health or to live out their years in poverty. And Social Security is a broadly popular program. On the other hand, Clinton previously suggested she could support improving the program’s finances with a combination of increased taxes and reduced benefits, and some experts describe proposals to expand the program as wasteful. They argue increases in monthly benefits should only go to those retirees who need them most. Read more…


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