Trump to PJM on 2016 Platform: No Social Security Cuts

Donald Trump, chairman and president of the Trump Organization, pledged not to cut Social Security benefits if he became president. “I’m not going to be cutting Social Security and I will tell you I appreciate what Ed Schultz said. He happens to be right.” Trump, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, said at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Schultz, an MSNBC host, recently praised Trump for his business experience and his stance on entitlement programs. “He’s created more jobs than any of them, than all of the candidates put together. He’s done more deals, he’s signed more contracts, he has the business experience, he’s the guy who’s taking the risk,” Schultz said….
According to the Government Accountability Office, Social Security issued more than $5 billion worth of improper payments in FY2014. Medicare’s improper payments totaled more than $45 billion in FY2014. “You can get rid of the waste and the abuse, and you get rid of that and you have to keep it,” Trump said. “People have paid in for many, many years and it’s very unfair to cut them, so I’m very strong. We’ll take the money back from China and everybody else.” Read more…