How to Optimize Benefits in 2016

The new rules enacted under the 2015 budget act make it more difficult to maximize Social Security benefits for those not already at retirement age. This threw a wrench in to the plans of those that were nearing retirement in the next few years that were already planning on using these strategies. Now, many are scrambling looking for new ways to make sure they get all of the money that they are entitled to in retirement. Unfortunately, it takes time for experts to comb through the new rules to decipher the finer points and discover the best strategies under the new system. There are, however, old fall backs that can help in the meantime. As always, every year that you delay collecting benefits will increase your checks when you do decide to start taking them, but this requires you to have a source of income to rely on while you are waiting. For more information on this topic, visit this article by Glenn Ruffenach with the Wall Street Journal.