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Company Loyalty Among Generations

There is a new pattern among younger workers that is in complete contradiction to how their parents spent their careers. Millennials are often seen as job-hoppers, usually spending no longer than a few years with a company before jumping ship and finding a place at another. It is very rare today to see someone that has spent their entire working life with the same company, working up the ranks through their entire career. This is not bad, however, and can even be seen as a plus in employers that value employees that can be quick to adapt in to new projects. It also spurs the flow of new ideas across a wider range of the work force since the population is more mobile today than they were in the past. Technology has helped in this regard, allowing companies to expand their hiring pool across the country and allowing workers access to the opportunity to move to wherever they want to move without fear of not finding a job upon arrival. For more information on this topic, visit this article by Pattie Hunt Sinacole with


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