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The Cricality of Reforming Social Security and Medicare
It’s become a hot subject, as most who’ve studied Social Security and Medicare over the years expected it would. Now, with insolvency projected to be reached within a decade, the calls for action are becoming louder and clearer, with one post today labeling the lack of a coherent legislative response to the problem “political malpractice.” Veronique de Rugy, a contributing editor at Reason and a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, provides an analysis of why honesty and compromise are need to address this looming catastrophe. Read her post here…
To he wages cap should be increased to 45000 for the social security – medicare-medicaid tax and the tax percentage should be increased to adjust for universal health care. That was the bipartisan plan in 1969- 1972 timeframe before they began the impeachment of Nixon. We would not be here if they had done the work then