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A Plan to Keep Social Security Solvent Forever
My modest goal in this post is to set forth a plan that keeps Social Security able to pay promised benefits forever, that does not require any “compromise” with the GOP and so can be passed simply with democratic majorities in Congress, and can explicitly be embraced as a campaign promise. This plan relies upon using the Social Security Trustees’ Report projecting the condition of the fund 20 years out, and automatically making small adjustments each year in the direction needed to balance the Fund over that time frame. In this way it maintains the solvency of the Fund – forever. How can I make such a bold claim? Because if small changes are made automatically each year to maintain the program in actuarial balance 20 years out,the changes can run in both directions, alternately increasing or decreasing the Trust Fund balance as necessary, in very small and gradual steps. Read more…
Please make sure that you as an organization stand up for our rights as senior citizens, we have worked a long time
and we expect to have the money that we ourselves have put in Social Security. No one should have the right to our
hard earned money. No other President as ever touched that fund, but this president thinks that our money needs to be shared with the those who have not worked for it. I am for A Plan to Keep Social Security Solvent Forever!