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Baby Boomers and the Health Care Business

Baby Boomers are becoming one of the largest driving forces in the health care sector. Boomers hold a lot of sway as the hold most of the wealth and the health care market is shifting to accommodate this demographic. Boomers are demanding higher accuracy and efficiency in medical labs in order to accommodate their rising need for tests. Labs in hospitals are becoming inundated with requests for tests for Boomers as they age and require more specialized care. To compound this problem, the retirement of Boomers is starting to affect the work force in this area. There are shortages in these labs that are growing by the day that cannot keep up with demand. This is forcing the labs to search out compromises such as partnerships with third parties to start outsourcing some of their tests. For more information on this topic, visit this article by Jeff Osborne with MedCityNews.


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