Candidates’ Stances on Social Security

Social Security is quickly becoming one of the most important issues in the upcoming election, but it is still difficult to find out each candidates official stance on the system. Baby Boomers are retiring in droves and will continue to retire in large numbers over the next couple decades meaning more people than ever will be collecting on their Social Security soon. It is also no secret that Social Security has been facing a solvency problem with many official studies showing that they will run out of funds by the 2030s. These facts together make it baffling that the candidates are not more upfront and vocal about their proposals in this area, many candidates, such as Trump, not even having an official statement on the topic. For more information on this subject, visit this article by David Williams with


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Comments On This Topic

  1. Why is it that in your article the only candidate you mention is Trump. While he hasn’t been specific, nether has Cruz or Rubio . I would like to know where AMAC is standing on this issue and our they supporting any candidate? I joined AMAC because I couldn’t support the views of AARP, and we know who they are supporting!

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