
AMAC: Social Security’s Very Real Problems Explained– in Plain English

This FAQ page was written by Jeff Szymanski, who works in political communications for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). He previously taught high school economics for 15 years and is a frequent writer on Social Security issues. The…

What does age 82.5 have to do with Social Security?

If people know anything about Social Security it is that you can claim it age 62, though all may not realize that comes with a permanent reduction. Fewer know that full retirement age is 67 (for those born 1960 or…

Retirement & the sheer joy of continuing to work

Why are so many 70, 80, and yes 90 year olds still working when you can start Social Security benefits as early as 62? The answers to why work are a complex mix of, “I want to; I love to;…

Krugman: Nikki Haley is Out to Get Your Social Security

It seems like a line straight out of every Democrat politician’s playbook, that GOP Candidate (fill in the blank) is coming for your Social Security. But this is noted economist, though far left indeed, Paul Krugman. His NYT op-ed suggests…

Op-ed: Social Security is not in trouble

In a slightly contrarian view to what most experts say, the writer here suggests that simply lifting the payroll cap on Social Security wages will resolve the funding issue. That, however, buys just 12 more years of solvency, from 2034…

Should You Claim Early because of Social Security’s financial issues?

Well, the short answers is no. Social Security does, indeed, have financial issues which could mean a cut in benefits in about 10 years if the SS Trust Fund runs dry, but fear of total program bankruptcy is unfounded. Social…

Happy Thanksgiving!

There’s something extra special about Thanksgiving – family gatherings, sumptuous feasts, football and, most of all, a heightened sense of gratitude for the many blessings we sometimes take for granted. At the AMAC Foundation, we give thanks for you, the…

Medicare Part D (drug) plan premiums expected to soar in 2024!

Fresh on the heels of the announcement that Medicare’s Part B premium for outpatient healthcare coverage is going up by nearly $10 per month next year, is this equally disturbing news that premiums for Medicare Part D prescription drug plans…

What will your Social Security be 10 years from now?

In the fall of every year, media stories abound about how Social Security benefits will go up next year, thanks to the annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA). It’s almost always framed as good news, rightfully so, because how could…

Is Biden’s Social Security Reform Plan Fatally Flawed? Pundits say “yes”

Social Security, America’s premier anti-poverty program, helps about 90% of beneficiaries pay their monthly living expenses. So is it any wonder that news of the program’s potential insolvency in about 10 years grabs nearly everyone’s attention? Obviously not, to include…

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