
The Potential Impact of AI on Social Security’s Future

Although artificial intelligence (AI) is still a relatively new technology, its fast-paced arrival in the business world and the projections for its rapid expansion have many pondering what the long-term effects on the workforce will be. And as soon as…

Not Addressing Social Security Insolvency Equals Disaster, Says CRFB

So much has been written about Social Security’s evolving financial crisis, and yet not much has surfaced in terms of a bipartisan approach to addressing the problem. As most who follow this topic know, the clock is ticking louder each…

Assessing Social Security’s Role in the “Transition” to Retirement

In an article challenging the belief that there is a widespread “retirement crisis” in play in America, contributor John Sullivan of the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) offers a different view of how Social Security factors into…

Our Social Security Program Continues to Evolve, But Some Things Do Not Change

It’s common knowledge these days that America’s Social Security program is presently locked into a trajectory that will lead it to insolvency in less than a decade. While there are many resolutions on the drawing board to avoid reaching that…

Social Security on Life Support?

As most who even only occasionally follow what’s happening in Washington, D.C. already know, the nation’s most important senior benefit program, Social Security, is headed for severe financial difficulties unless Congress acts soon. It’s not like it is a new…

“Baby Boomers” and their Impact on Social Security

A well-reasoned analysis of Social Security’s looming financial issues will reveal that a significant part of the problem is that the ratio of worker-contributing to beneficiaries-collecting is declining. Indeed, the program’s basic design is that those currently working fund benefits…

Social Security Just Turned 88. Are Your Benefits Still Sound?

Here’s an interesting thought: Social Security turned 88 years old on August 14th, started paying benefits in 1937, and has never missed making a payment since. That’s a pretty darn good record by any measure – but will it continue?…

Medicare’s Preventive Healthcare Services

Medicare can sometimes seem like a confusing maze of rules and regulations, especially when it comes to knowing which services Medicare covers in full and which you will incur a co-pay for. Certain Medicare services, however, are considered “preventive” –…

Would Biden’s Plan for Social Security Work?

Other than vague promises not to cut Social Security benefits, President Biden hasn’t addressed Social Security’s looming financial issues since he offered his so-called “4-Point Plan” in 2020. We therefore assume that the four-point plan is still on the President’s…

10 Years From Retirement? Do These 10 Things

Social Security faces insolvency in ten years, and so saving more outside of that program is key for near retirees. Financial advisor Mark B. Murphy, who is also CEO of Northeast Private Client Group argues the 10 years leading up to…

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