
Secure 2.0 Act will benefit both employers and employees

The SECURE 2.0 Act is now law. The legislation provides a slate of changes that could help strengthen the retirement system—and Americans’ financial readiness for retirement. It will be easier to save and give more tax credits to small businesses;…

The need for Longevity Literacy in retirement planning

More than half of American adults did not know how long people generally tend to live in retirement, according to a recent report from TIAA Institute. This factor could lead to them failing to save enough money to last as…

The Growing Emphasis on Social Security Reform

As we’ve been reporting for the past several weeks and months, the rhetoric on Social Security reform is steadily building. In fact, this week brought a riveting debate that played out on MSNBC in prime time (see our previous posts),…

CATO Offers Thoughts on Stabilizing Federal Debt…and They Involve Social Security

In a post on cato.org, Cato Institute’s director of budget and entitlement policy, Romina Boccia, offers a set of benchmarks Congress should consider before finalizing a decision on the 2023 federal debt limit. As should be expected, her suggestions include…

Social Security: Let’s Look at Some of the Key Myths

The potential for Social Security reform is starting to gain momentum in the 118th Congress, and several of our posts over the past several weeks on this site have covered signs of forward motion on this vexing issue. Given the…

Incoming House Budget Committee Chair Signals Intent to Act on Social Security

As anticipated, the 118th Congress has opened the door for movement on resolution of Social Security’s longstanding solvency problem. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas) has proposed using an “…upcoming debt-limit deadline to prompt negotiations on the solvency of major programs such…

CBS/YouGov Poll: Fixing Social Security Makes the High Priority List for 118th Congress

 A nationally representative poll conducted last week by YouGov for CBS News posed the question of what should be the high priorities for the incoming Congress, and the top three responses were not a surprise: lowering inflation, protecting Social Security…

Retirement Bill Benefits Both Savers and Wall Street

Michael Hiltzik explains the important Secure 2.0 retirement provisions which were incorporated in Congress’s massive year end omnibus bill. Access to workplace retirement plans for those that have been traditionally left out, mainly lower income workers, is a key facet…

Where is Joe Biden on Social Security?

Bram Berkowitz has a piece here on a Biden quote that may put him at odds with Democrats looking to shore up Social Security’s long-term health. While the President’s own “I want to protect Social Security” statements offer nothing given…

The Midterm Elections and Your Retirement

Economist turned money manager Nick Sargen assesses the impact of the 2022 midterms on people’s retirement in this excellent piece in Forbes. He acknowledges it is rare for a lame duck Congress to produce substantive legislation. But buried in the…

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