
Minimizing your tax bill

One aspect not discussed in detail when saving for retirement is the impact of taxes on your retirement savings. Many retirees may be taxed at 20 to 30 percent when withdrawing from their retirement accounts. Only one-third of respondents of…

Turning 65 this year, you need to start planning

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. population is approaching a landmark sometimes called Peak 65, or silver tsunami, when more than 12,000 people will start turning 65 each day, hitting an estimated total of 4 million for the…

Op-ed: America’s predatory retirement system is trapped in the Stone Age

Sid Mohasseb, an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California, writes in The Hill that, while many Americans celebrate their many freedoms, retirement just isn’t one of them. His main point is summed up with this: “The country’s dual approach…

Slowly Remove Social Security? One millionaire’s view

It’s such an out of the mainstream view, but Vince Cariaga writes about the interesting view of Social Security by self-made millionaire Tom Bilyeu, co-founder of Quest Nutrition and CEO of Impact Theory. Bilyeu believes the U.S. should “slowly remove” the…

Looming Retirement Crisis as Americans Struggle to Save

Nicole Goodkind of CNN explains the retirement-savings cliff in this piece. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the number of U.S. workers in the labor market over the age of 75 is expected to nearly double over the next…

GOP warm to Social Security & Medicare reform this election year

Call it political suicide or a refreshing breath of honesty. But with entitlement spending accounting for most of the federal budget, hiding from reality appears to be no longer an option. Elizabeth Elkind of Fox News quotes a number of…

Raising the Retirement Age – More Info on That

Erik Sherman adds here to his previous piece last week in FORBES on what raising the Social Security retirement age actually means. Those who follow reform would tell you changes like this are inevitable. Sherman tackles a number of items…

A Quick Recap of What Candidates Biden and Trump Say About Social Security

Most recently, the Biden and Trump presidential campaigns appear to be marching in step concerning their plans for addressing Social Security’s financial problems. Simply put, both have advocated for a “hands-off” approach, although both have also vowed to “protect” the…

Social Security Reform: Debunking the Fear Mongering Following the RSC Proposal

Rumors and speculation about the Social Security intentions behind the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) Fiscal Year 2025 Budget proposal–titled “Fiscal Sanity to Save America”–have blossomed in the days following its release last week. Labeling the fast-moving rhetoric as “a lot…

Adjusting the Retirement Age: Extreme or Sensible? One viewpoint.

The debate over how best to address Social Security’s looming catastrophe is raging again. No surprise there, since it’s a presidential election year and that means pretty much any specific suggestion to address the problem acquires polar opposite viewpoints. A…

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