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Avoid these three costly mistakes

Social Security provides a foundation of retirement protection for nearly all people in the U.S. Social Security provides a guaranteed, progressive benefit that keeps up with increases in the cost of living. However, there are no guarantees on how much…

Should you should retire now?

You can begin your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, If you start receiving benefits early, your benefits are reduced. You are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay…

Is This Your Year to File for Social Security Benefits?

Those on the fence about whether to take the plunge and claim their earned Social Security benefits or hold off for higher (but fewer) monthly payments have a significant decision to make. There are, however, some basic “tests” you can…

Social Security COLA and the Inflation “Catch Up” Dilemma

The much anticipated 2023 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment for Social Security beneficiaries has now started to hit seniors’ financial books. That’s a good thing, certainly, given the ravages of inflation over the past two years and the systemic loss of purchasing…

Yet Another Reason to Avoid Early Retirement

We probably should have seen this one coming, given the many articles about the need to remain active in retirement and to have a plan for some form of mental engagement after pulling the plug on a career. In an…

The “ReidOut” Insolvency Debate, Part 2

In a “Latest News” post yesterday on this site, we covered a January 10 on-air debate on Social Security’s looming insolvency problem. Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) was called out in this debate for commenting that Social Security would be insolvent by…

Social Security Filing Strategies…The Importance of Fully Understanding the Rules

Let’s start with an understatement…Social Security is complex. The issues of when to file, and how to file, for benefits are something we deal with repeatedly in the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisory Service. Many folks come to us with…

SSA Website Upgrades Driven by Customer Feedback

In an era of improving the customer experience, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has implemented significant improvements to its online presence, as explained by SSA’s acting chief business officer, Eric Powers n an interview with Federal News Network reporter Tom…

Qualifying for Spousal Benefits in a Divorce Situation

The rules surrounding the availability of Social Security benefits for divorced spouses can seem a bit daunting at first look. In a article by Karin Price Mueller, the set of parameters applied to benefit eligibility for a divorced spouse–in…

Understanding How the 2023 COLA Relates to Your Benefit Amount

Something that’s often overlooked when assessing retirement cash flow in an early retirement situation is the math behind the application of annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). CNBC personal finance reporter explains how an early filing decision leads to a curtailment of…

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