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Thinking About Retirement and Social Security? Some Key Things to Know.

If you’re just beginning to explore how Social Security will factor into your future retirement plans, there’s a lot you need to know. So let’s start with some fundamentals, and a post by The Motley Fool’s Trevor Jennewine can help you…

Immigrants and Social Security Cards

In a recent post on (Nevada), a caller raised a concern about immigrants (in this case re-settled refugees from Afghanistan) receiving Social Security numbers. The explanation provided by the news station quotes content from the Social Security Administration website…

Filing for Benefits Early: There are Pros and Cons

Electing to begin drawing Social Security benefits before your full retirement age is still the most popular move those aging into the program make. And there are often very sound reasons why, including health issues, cash needs, etc. But when…

Social Security: A Look at the Averages

Many of us like to know where we stand in relation to everyone else, and that’s likely true when it comes to how we compare to millions and millions of people who draw benefits from our country’s Social Security program.…

Don’t Panic Over Misleading Headlines!

We see them every day…the click-bait headlines warning us of catastrophes if we don’t read and understand the content of a particular article. And the murky world of Social Security is an area that is rife with such articles, with…

“The Best-Laid Plans”–A Proverb That Might Describe Your Future Social Security Objective

As the proverb goes, “the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” And when it comes to planning for Social Security benefits, sometimes the boilerplate advice from the financial community to defer filing to your full retirement age (or age 70 if you can) ends of being subject…

Factors That Could Change Your Anticipated Social Security Payment

It’s important to understand how the Social Security Administration calculates what is expected to be your monthly benefit payment, but it’s equally important to understand that the net amount that hits your bottom line might differ from that calculation. Yahoo!Finance’s…

Exploring Social Security Benefits for Students

Social Security is a program that offers benefits in areas that are surprising to some, and such is the case with benefits for students of retired, deceased, or disabled program participants. There are rules and restrictions, just as there are…

A Refresher on How Your Social Security Benefit is Calculated

It’s a mystery to many folks who have never taken a look at the details of this massive senior benefit program, but it’s more tedious than complex. In a post today on, which you can access here, writers Maite…

WEP and GPO in the News Again

The Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset are two of the more hotly debated aspects of the current Social Security rulebook. How’s that for an understatement? There are many viewpoints on the fairness of these two provisions, and…

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