Latest News

Social Security Vs. SSDI: Understanding the Difference

Although they are two separate programs operated under the Social Security Administration umbrella, many folks have questions about how they operate and interact. In a post today on, columnist Josephine Nesbit outlining the scope and eligibility requirements for each.…

The Link Between the Claiming Decision and Survivor Benefits

For married couples, the need for a well-planned decision on when to file for Social Security benefits becomes very pronounced, especially when one of the partners is a much higher earner than the other. CNBC Personal Finance Reporter Lorie Konish,…

Survey Says: Yes, I can afford retirement.

The Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey, conducted in conjunction with Greenwald Research in January, revealed that “…over 7 in 10 workers are at least somewhatconfident, including almost 3 in 10 who are very confident…” in their ability…

Forget the Social Security Max

While we’re still on the Social Security Maximum Benefit subject (see yesterday’s “Latest News” post and one earlier today), The Motley Fool’s Maurie Backman offers another, more practical way to look at it…focus on what you can do. Ms. Backman…

Boosting Your Social Security Benefit

In a “Latest News” post yesterday on this site, we discussed the somewhat “mythical” maximum benefit amount available from Social Security. As you probably know, it’s a benefit level virtually unattainable for most retirees. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t…

How to Get the Mythical Maximum Social Security Benefit

According to a post today on, getting the highest amount of monthly payment from Social Security would require that your work record shows earnings of “…$147,000 or its adjusted equivalent for inflation for 35 years.” Unfortunately, only a very…

Attention Millennials: Social Security Basics You Need to be Aware of!

Millennials–those born from the early 1980s to the mid-1990s and early 2000s–are, of course, still years away from focusing seriously on Social Security and its place in their retirement plans. But they shouldn’t discount the importance of thinking about the…

The Importance of Knowing Social Security’s Basic Rules

There are thousands of specific rules governing the manner in which folks can benefit from our country’s Social Security system, but not being aware of a few of the most basic of these guidelines can cause you to make fundamental…

How hard is it to get the maximum Social Security benefit?

In 2022, the maximum monthly Social Security check is $4,194, but how many retirees receive this amount? To collect the maximum possible benefit, you need to do two things: be a high-wage earner for 35 years and delay your benefits…

Social Security rules for married couples

If you are married, when to claim your Social Security benefits should not be done in a vacuum. Like marriage itself, you need to work together to decide when to start receiving retirement checks because there are special rules in…

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