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Retirement Planning for Couples with an Age-Gap

Retirement planning is different when there is a gap in age between partners, and that largely has to do with the life expectancy of each partner. Chances are, if the age gap is significant, the older partner will die first,…

Many Uncertain About Social Security

It probably isn’t a big surprise, but many Americans don’t feel they are well-educated about how Social Security works, and especially how their own benefits will be determined. Surveys show that the group most concerned about Social Security education is…

Retirement Surprise: High Healthcare Costs

Let’s face it – getting older increases the likelihood that your healthcare costs are going to be higher. According to a recent study, the average senior will spend about $300,000 for regular healthcare services in retirement, and that doesn’t include…

Taxing Your Social Security Benefits

Fresh on the heels of the 2022 income tax filing season, this article reveals that although most U.S. states don’t levy a State tax on Social Security benefits, there are a dozen U.S. states which do. And while most beneficiaries…

Social Security Disability & Spouse Benefits: Questions Answered

In this Barron’s article by Nick Fortuna, several questions about Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits and spousal benefits are tackled. Both of these areas are often confusing and frequently misunderstood, but the article provides answers for a 59 year…

About Delaying Your Social Security Benefits

A majority of Social Security beneficiaries claim their Social Security benefits early – indeed, age 62 (the minimum age for SS retirement and spousal benefits) is the most popular age at which benefits are claimed. While there are some good…

Remember Paul Ryan’s “Roadmap for America’s Future?”

It’s been almost a decade and a half since Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, shook the trees with his plan to reform Social Security and Medicare in the face of what has now become a…

Deficient Nest Egg? Here are some thoughts to consider.

It’s not easy to save for retirement, and in fact it’s getting more difficult by the day with what’s happening in the economy. But if you’re in a situation where the decision needs to be made on retirement and you…

Tips to Help Relieve Retirement Financial Planning

Yes, it can be a very stressful process, planning for a comfortable retirement amidst so many unknowns (and even unknowable) factors. So, many folks tend to put it off, often until it’s too late to take the steps you need…

Social Security Administration Embarks on “Equity Action Plan”

On January 20, 2021, President Biden signed Executive Order (EO) 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government. The EO requires all Federal agencies “to pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all including people of color…

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