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FICA Taxes Explained

Even though it’s the basis for one’s eventual Social Security benefits– retirement benefits, spousal benefits, survivor benefits, disability benefits, and so on–there are a few points relative to Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes that many folks do not fully understand.…

That Nagging Question: What’s the Best Time to Begin Benefits?

It’s perhaps one of the most vexing questions facing anyone approaching Social Security eligibility…when should I take the plunge and begin my benefit? And there are many viewpoints floating on the airwaves, from filing early and getting the benefit of…

H.R. 5779 – Fiscal Commission Act

A Plea for Understanding the Commission’s Mission Four key proponents of a bipartisan, bicameral fiscal commission within Congress to identify and report on policy recommendations to improve the long-term fiscal condition of the federal government recently issued an op-ed piece intended…

Medicare Advantage vs. “Original Medicare?”

Medicare Advantage is, essentially, private healthcare coverage which replaces “original Medicare” and, due to very aggressive marketing in recent years, Medicare Advantage plans now provide a majority of healthcare services to American seniors. The alternative to Medicare Advantage is, of…

Times are tough!! Take Advantage of these Savings Tips

Times are, indeed, tough for many Americans, with inflation still inexorably nudging the price of everything we buy even further up. But, there are still opportunities out there to save – as explained in this Yahoo! Finance article by Andrew…

Will the Annual COLA Increase Ever Be Enough?

All Social Security recipients received a historically high 8.7% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2023, yet a recent survey found that over half felt that wasn’t enough. And this year’s 3.2% COLA will likely receive the same reception from…

Enemy of Social Security Reform? Public Apathy

Despite all the media warnings about Social Security solvency and possible across-the-board benefit cuts in about a decade, a recent Gallup poll suggests that 53% of Americans still think they’ll get everything they’re entitled to when it comes time for…

Must I Pay Income Tax on Social Security Disability Benefits?

As with most Social Security questions, the answer is “it depends.” Social Security has an earnings test which affects anyone who is collecting Social Security benefits before they have reached their full retirement age, and that includes those collecting Social…

Will Your Social Security be Taxable?

In response to threatened revenue shortfall for Social Security in 1983, Congress enacted a law which required those with incomes over particular thresholds to pay income tax on half of their Social Security benefits. The thresholds set in 1983 were…

When Should you Claim Social Security?

There’s no single answer to that question, but there is one very important factor which is crucial for you to know when deciding, and that is your full retirement age (FRA). You FRA varies depending on the year you were…

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