Latest News

Retire, or Wait…Some Factors to Consider

Whether to retire is, for many Americans, a bit of a choice that requires some serious planning. If you have the luxury of considering whether now or later is the best scenario for you, there are some key considerations beyond…

Spousal Benefits: The Importance of Knowing the Rules

With Social Security benefits playing a key role in so many retirement financial plans–and especially for married couples–being fully aware of the many rules that govern eligibility for–and calculation of– spousal benefits is critical. From the provisions for one spouse…

National Social Security Advisor Credentials Explained

You may have seen references to National Social Security Advisor (NSSA) designations in various financial media reports, and you may know that the AMAC Foundation Social Security Advisor staff includes seven members who’ve earned this designation. In a post…

Here We Go Again–Government Shutdown and Social Security

It seems like Déjà vu all over again, to quote a phrase from the great Yogi Berra decades ago, but the potential of a government shutdown has again raised the question of how Social Security payments would fare. CNBC personal…

Trust Fund ROI Rates Continue to be Questionned

Picking up on an issue explored recently in a “Latest News” post on this site, GoBankingRates’ financial reporter Vance Cariaga takes a look at the interest income generated by Social Security’s trust fund reserves last year. Contrasting the nearly 2.4%…

New Limits for ABLE Accounts Now in Effect

Amid the slew of changes for 2024, the IRS announced new limits on the amount of savings available to holders of Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts. ABLA accounts allow states to create tax-advantaged savings programs for eligible people…

Getting the Most You Can Get Out of Social Security

Just about everyone who has taken a look at Social Security understands the basic premise that the longer you wait to file, the larger your monthly benefit will be. That’s a good start, but there are other considerations that come…

Retirement Planning: Building a Nest Egg is Essential, Despite the Lure of the YOLO Mindset

Many younger and middle-aged adults hear the alarm bells sounded by economists regarding the need to stay dedicated to the thought of saving for retirement. Some popular notions are that by the time you’ve reached 50, you should have accumulated…

States That Tax Social Security Benefits: 2 Down, 10 To Go.

With Nebraska and Missouri taking action to exempt Social Security benefits from state income tax, the list of states retaining this provision in their tax code is now down to 10. For Nebraska, it took a series of tax law…

Collecting Social Security While Working? There’s Much to Know

Keith Speights notes most people are familiar with Social Security, but not to the extent they should be. When it comes to collecting benefits and working, many do not understand the complexities. People will forgo some income if they cross…

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