Q & A
Ask Rusty – Widow Asks About Survivor Benefits
Dear Rusty: My husband passed away 7 years ago at the age of 64, at which time he was receiving SS Disability. I was 58 at the time he passed and could not apply for his Social Security. I was…
Ask Rusty – Social Security’s “First Year” Rule
Dear Rusty: I’ve been trying to determine the best way to proceed with retirement and could use some help. I’d like to retire on or about my 62nd birthday this September. Waiting for “full retirement” does not motivate as I…
Ask Rusty – Increasing your Social Security Benefit Amount
Dear Rusty: I turned 67 in September 2018. My benefit estimate is $1478 a month if I claim benefits now. I work and will continue working as long as I can. My 35-year earnings period includes about ten years of…
Ask Rusty – No Special “extra dollars” for Veteran’s Monthly Benefit
Dear Rusty: I am within a few weeks of applying for SS. My 70th Birthday is in April and I have stayed in my job for the maximum benefit from SS. I am also a veteran and so am taking…
Ask Rusty – Maximizing Social Security Benefits
Dear Rusty: I am currently 68 and am waiting to take maximum benefits at age 70. I have been retired for 3 and a half years. My wife turned 62 in February of this year. She stopped working around 1994.…
Ask Rusty – Widower Seeking Answers About Social Security
Dear Rusty: I have two questions. My wife passed away in May of 2015, and I never received any of her benefits. Should I have? Also, I am now 62, turning 63 next month. I am still working and probably…
Ask Rusty – Why should a Veteran Pay for Medicare?
Dear Rusty: I am a Veteran and all my Medical needs are covered by the VA. Why should I be paying for Medicare out of my monthly SS check? Signed: Inquiring Veteran Dear Inquiring Veteran: Well, it depends upon how…
Ask Rusty – Spousal Benefits and Enrolling in Medicare
Dear Rusty: I will be 65 In March. Husband will be 61 In August. If I started collecting Social Security now would I only be able to collect on myself? My husband plans on collecting at 62. Will I be…
Ask Rusty – Using Health Savings Account (HSA) Funds while on Medicare
Dear Rusty: My understanding is that once I’m on Medicare the HSA cannot be used. I have prescriptions that cost more with the Medicare Insurance than paying cash, so why can’t I use the HSA to pay for these types…
Ask Rusty – Social Security for couple with large age difference
Dear Rusty: My wife is 63 and I’m 55. I’ve been the breadwinner for 37 years and draw almost $2000 per month tax free from VA disability for life. I’m also still working until I’m 60 or 62, not sure…