Q & A
Ask Rusty – Declining Medicare Part B
Dear Rusty: Perhaps you could do an article about deferring Medicare Part B. I never found a way to formally “defer” part B, so apparently, we just ignore it if we have other qualified health insurance. I turned 65 in…
Ask Rusty – Should I claim Social Security at age 65?
Dear Rusty: Should I take Social Security at 65? My date of birth is August 1953 and I just signed up for both Social Security and Medicare. My plan was to start Medicare and Social Security at age 65, but…
Ask Rusty – Working, Earning, and Investing SS benefits
Dear Rusty: I am 63 ½ and working full time with a salary of $125,000/year. Given the early collection rules I believe it would not make any sense to start collecting Social Security now but tell me if I am…
Ask Rusty – When You’re Known by Your Middle Name
Dear Rusty: For those of us who use our middle name as the name we are known by (and there are many famous persons who are), why does the Social Security Administration mandate the use of the first name when…
Ask Rusty – Should I take Social Security at 62?
Dear Rusty: My husband took an early retirement at age 62, and I will be turning 62 next year. I am having some health issues and I’m thinking about taking an early retirement. Is this a good idea? Signed: Uncertain…
Ask Rusty – Social Security ‘Notch Baby’ seeks restitution
Dear Rusty: My husband was a “notch baby” and has been collecting less Social Security than his brother-in-law who had a lesser profession. Is there any hope for correcting this? Signed: Wondering and Hopeful Dear Hopeful: Well, the whole “notch baby” controversy…
Ask Rusty – File Early and Invest vs Wait to File
Dear Rusty: I read your article entitled “Doing a Breakdown Analysis” and noted that the article was in response to a reader question about when to take Social Security Benefits. The writer commented “I’m in pretty good health and don’t…
Ask Rusty – Special Extra Earnings for Military Service
Dear Rusty: Both my cousin and I served in the military starting in 1964. He completed his 4 years and got out; I served for 20 years. A few years ago we were visiting and he asked me if I was…
Ask Rusty – Going Back to Work after Retiring
Dear Rusty: I am 63 ½ and I am officially retiring from my job on August 1st because I’m physically unable to do the work anymore. I have qualified for a pension from work and I also want to start…
Ask Rusty – “Rat Holes” in the Social Security System
Dear Rusty: I am single and will be 63 on July 1 this year. I was born in 1955. I have been considering retiring sooner rather than later. (In other words, before FRA, which for me is 66 and 2…