Q & A

How Does Working in Retirement Impact Your Social Security Benefits?

Answer: Retirement has become a foreign concept for a growing number of Americans. According to a recent survey commissioned by the Federal Reserve, more than half of respondents aged 60 years or older said they plan to work in retirement. Meanwhile, a separate study by the…

I would like to change to a different Medicare Advantage plan. Do I have to wait until open enrollment?

Answer: If you switch to a plan with a five-star quality rating, you don’t have to wait until Medicare open enrollment (which runs from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 for 2015 coverage). Seniors who participate in Medicare Advantage can sign up…

How to phase into retirement

Plenty of older Americans apparently want to do it. No, not that. They want to slowly phase into retirement. In fact, more than six in 10 workers (64%) “envision a phased transition into retirement that may involve shifting from full-time to…

I understand you must have limited resources to be eligible for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs. What does this mean?

Answer: To qualify for Extra Help in 2014, your resources must be limited to $13,440 for an individual or $26,860 for a married couple living together. Resources include the value of the things you own. Some examples are real estate, other than…

I’ve decided I want to retire. How do I begin?

Answer: The fastest and easiest way to apply for retirement benefits is to go online to www.socialsecurity.gov/applyonline. To use our online application to apply for Social Security retirement or spouse’s benefits, you must be at least 61 years and 9 months old; want…

I’m trying to decide when to retire. Can Social Security help?

Answer: Deciding when to retire is a personal choice, and you should consider a number of factors, but we can certainly help. First, take a few minutes and open a my Social Security account at www.socialsecurity.gov/myaccount. With a my Social Security account,…

What Qualifies as a Disability?

Answer: Medically speaking, there are countless types of disabilities.  Educationally speaking, the number disability categories is much more limited.  What sometimes causes confusion and frustration for parents and school personnel alike is that the definition of disabilities under state and federal laws differs from the…

What are some tips for calculating quarterly tax payments?

Full Question: I recently retired and started my own consulting business, which is doing very well. My question is on taxes. I have been told that I must pay quarterly taxes, but I have no idea if I will make $10…

How Does Maternity Leave Affect Long-Term Disability Benefits?

Answer: Insurance policies can seem very technical and overwhelming to a policy holder or plan member for a group insurance plan. When making a claim for long-term disability benefits, it is important to review the policy for many reasons, to know…

I am getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Can I get other kinds of help?

Answer: You may be able to get other assistance. For example, in most states, SSI recipients also get Medicaid. You should contact your medical assistance office. Also, SSI recipients are sometimes eligible for social services provided by the state, city, or…

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