Q & A

I’m losing my employer-paid health insurance on 1/1/15. What do I do now?

Full Question: I am so uneasy with what is happening with my late husband’s retirement benefits. He worked for AT&T and they are stopping his retiree company Medicare coverage which I am enrolled in. What do I do NOW? I am a…


Full Question: When it comes to Social Security, we often hear the same questions. Should I apply now to get earlier payments? Or wait for a few years to get larger checks? We don’t know how long we will live. So, we…

I have been speaking with several attorneys who each want to help me file for Social Security disability. How much can they charge if I decide to have one of them represent me?

Answer: To charge you a fee for services, your representative first must file either a fee agreement or a fee petition with us. Your representative cannot charge you more than the fee amount we authorize.A representative who charges or collects a…

Is it true that Social Security will stop issuing benefit verification letters from the local offices?

Answer: The Social Security Administration recently announced that local Social Security offices would continue to provide benefit verification letters until further notice. Earlier this year, the agency had announced plans to discontinue providing benefit verification letters at the local field office level beginning…

Social Security Disability: What Happens When You Turn 66?

Answer: Most people think of Social Security as a retirement program, but disability benefits are also a huge part of Social Security. An estimated 8.8 million Americans receive Social Security disability benefits, with 2 million more dependents relying on the program…

My application for Supplemental Security Income based on my disability was recently denied. Can I appeal the decision?

Answer: Yes, if you disagree with a disability decision made on your claim, you can appeal it. The steps you can take are explained in our online publication, Your Right To Question A Decision Made On Your Supplemental Security Income Claim,…

What information do I need to apply for Supplemental Security Income?

Answer: Here are some of the things we will ask for when you apply for SSI. Even if you do not have all of the things listed below, apply anyway. The people in the Social Security office can help you. But…

Will My Social Security Be Garnished for My Student Loans?

Full Question: After graduating from college with approximately $150,000 in student loan debt I worked in my field for 9 years all the while faithfully paying about 50% of my income to repay my student loan debt. After 9 years I…

How are spousal benefits calculated?

Answer: Social Security benefits are important financial asset for married couples and individuals. This is especially true when looking at the power of Social Security spouse benefits. In cases where one spouse may have earned significantly more than the other, or one…

How does the Medicare Fraud Strike Force play into (the Medicare Fraud crackdown)?

Answer: The strike force is a joint fraud-busting effort by the Justice Department and Department of Health and Human Services. Many of its cases start with an agent behind a computer screen, eyeing page after page of Medicare claims data for unusual…

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