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Coming to Grips with Social Security’s Uncertainties

As indicated in today’s headline post on this site, there is some degree of optimism that Congress can be spurred into action to address Social Security’s long-term funding problem; nevertheless, those looking into their future retirement plans decades from now are faced with uncertainties about what role the program will play in their financial situation. In fact, as noted in a post today, a substantial portion of respondents to a survey suggest that they are not counting on much of a cash flow–if any–from Social Security. Conversely, one in five of the respondents maintain that the program will “cover their entire retirement.”
Regardless of where you stand on Social Security’s role in your retirement finances, the post offers suggestions on how to plan around these uncertainties. Check it out here…
Most of the Seniors on Social Security today have been workers who were dedicated, hard working individuals who paid their fair share throughout their lives. Now they struggle to live being able to pay for what is needed in their daily lives.–They were those who showed up for work everyday, & didn’t have the slightest idea what a no-call, no-show was. — The wealthy want to privatize Social Security, or do away with it because of their greedy lifestyle. I applaud those on the committee working to expand Social security. Hopefully it will include the dental, vision, and hearing insurance.
The cost for these things is so prohibitiv, while those providing services or items are making huge profits, that most people are doing without instead of being able to get what would make their lives healthier and more comfortable.
Thank you to those working in Congress on this issue. So many are counting on you.