GAO weighs in on challenges ahead of SSA
In her prepared testimony before the House Committee on Ways and Means’ Subcommittee on Social Security, the Government Accountability Office’s Elizabeth Curda, Director Education, Workforce, and Income Security, outlined the challenges facing the Social Security Administration. Her testimony addressed three primary categories of management challenges and opportunities: 1) managing disability workloads and ensuring program integrity; 2) modernizing physical infrastructure and service delivery methods; and 3) modernizing information technology.
In concluding her testimony, Ms. Curda observed that “… many of the challenges facing SSA today are neither new nor fleeting because they are inherent in the complexity and massive size of SSA’s programs and the scope of broad demographic and societal changes over time. Our past work has pointed to the need for rigorous solutions to these complex problems, such as strategic planning, evaluation efforts, measuring for impact, and leveraging data—solutions that invariably require leadership attention and sustained focus.”
Read her submitted testimony here, and click here to watch the video of the March 7 hearing.