How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Retirement - AMAC &

Jordan Bishop has a lengthy, comprehensive piece here that seeks to demystify the confusing enterprise that planning for retirment is to many people. On why to save, he notes Social Security benefits alone will not be enough and that retirement might last longer than many think, among two pieces of his advice. Bishop believes most Americans mistakenly think they are well on their way to a comfortable retirement. Many did not start saving soon enough; others want to retire early; in others, still, the reason lies in choosing the wrong investment strategy for their savings.
He states, “Misinformation, an unstable economy, and higher inflation have all contributed to making the act of saving for retirement more difficult. However, there are several things you can avoid doing now that will provide you with a safety net in terms of setting yourself up for comfort in the twilight years of your life. Owning property, not borrowing from your retirement accounts, investing wisely, and negotiating the terms of your retirement savings is an excellent place to start.” Full piece here.