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Millennial Business Owners Building Off of Previous Generations

Millennials are the newest players in the job market and have entered the small business game in big numbers. Millennials are bolder and more confident than those that came before them as well. Perhaps it comes with youthfulness and maybe a bit of naivety, but they are less adverse to taking risks in their business than older business owners. They are also implementing new ideas that they wished they had seen in other small businesses such as more benefits, including more non-traditional benefits, and more employment for added staff. Perhaps the number one thing they are improving on is the inclusion of help from financial professionals. Millennial business owners are more likely to employ a financial professional in order to help with some of the more difficult nuances of running a business that they themselves may not fully understand. For more information on this subject, visit this article by Bruce Hentschel with BenefitsPro.


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