Rethinking your decision to claim Social Security early? - USA Today

The recession caused by the coronavirus was particularly hard on older workers. According to the Labor Department, the jobless rate for workers over 55 jumped to 13.6 percent in April. According to research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, recessions and a jump in filing for early Social Security benefits go together. However, by August the jobless rate for the 55 plus group has recovered to 7.7 percent as older workers were recalled from furloughs or found new jobs. If you are one of those individuals who returned to the workforce you may be prompted to rethink your decision to claim Social Security early; you could get a do-over. In Aimee Picchi’s article for USA Today, she explains who is eligible for a do-over and how to go about it. Read Ms. Picchi’s article here…