Should you claim Social Security at 65? - The Motley Fool

When it’s time to sign up for your Social Security benefits, you have some flexibility. You can sign up as early as age 62 and take a permanent reduction to your monthly benefit or as late as age 70 and receive a permanent increase to your monthly benefit; there is no financial incentive to postpone after age 70. Or, if you wait until your full retirement age (FRA), you will collect the full monthly benefit you are entitled to based on your wage history. But if you don’t want to wait until your FRA but you don’t want to take a sizable reduction to your benefit as you would if you took it at age 62, what age should you take it? In Maurie Backman’s article for the Motley Fool, she makes a case for starting your Social Security benefits at age 65. Read Ms. Backman’s article here…