Social Security: The More You Know, The Better You Can Plan

To say that America’s Social Security System is complex is somewhat of an understatement, since there are over 2700 separate rules governing benefits and an extraordinary number of variations on how and when to file for benefits. Understanding these instructions and regulations can be daunting, but without a well-defined and well-understood strategy for entering the world of beneficiaries, you could be shortchanging yourself in the long run. Selena Maranjian of The Motley Fool covers some of the basic areas prospective filers need to understand in an article posted on Read her article here…
In addition to the basic information provided in Ms. Maranjian’s article, know that the AMAC Foundation offers a free-to-the public service to help future and existing Social Security beneficiaries with questions they may have about this critical earned benefit program. Trained and NSSA-certified specialists are available to research specific questions and help folks understand the implications of the decisions they need to make. Learn more about this service on the Foundation’s website.