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Social Security’s Payment Schedule - GoBankingRates
With so much hoopla about the big Cost of Living (COLA) increase coming in 2022, it’s important to not lose sight of how and when your Social Security benefits are paid. The COLA increase is applied to your December benefit which is actually paid in January, and the exact date when you will see that bigger check is determined by Social Security’s standard Payment Schedule. That standard payment schedule uses the day of the month you were born to figure out when to send your benefit payment, as explained in this GoBankingRates article by Georgina Tzanetos. Just a small clarification on the article’s content – there are some exceptions to the standard payment schedule. For example, those who also receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and those who started collecting benefits before May 1997 are paid on either the 1st or the 3rd of the month instead of by the standard schedule. But most will get their new Social Security payment according to the schedule explained in this article.