age 62

Considering Drawing Benefits at Age 62? Here’s Something More to Think About.

The earliest year of Social Security eligibility is age 62. Most folks approaching that age know this, and it is still the most popular age for initial filing. But one thing that tends to get lost in the excitement of…

The Psychology Behind Claiming Social Security Benefits Early

Age 62 continues to be the most popular claiming age for Social Security benefits–40% of men and 47% of women decide that way, according to the Social Security Administration. Although this option is counter to the advice doled out by…

The Early Filing Question (Again)–More Viewpoints

One of the most frequent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service deals with when to start drawing retirement benefits, and specifically the economics associated with starting at the earliest possible age (62). We typically…

Rethinking the “File at Age 62” Reflex

With so many folks electing to file for Social Security benefits at the earliest possible opportunity (age 62), one wonders if the long-term economics of this decision are being adequately considered. In a post on, reporter Peter Finch explores this…

Filing Early? Watch this.

In an informative video that covers just about a minute and a half, USA Today presents an overview of Social Security in terms of how early filing impacts monthly benefits. The video, titled “Your social security check might be less…

Thinking about retiring at 62? Here’s what that means.

It’s an attractive thought, bailing out at the first opportunity and grabbing your benefits. But while many folks focus only on the short-term benefit of cashing in those benefits, the longer term impact of higher benefits later is frequently overlooked.…

Why file for Social Security benefits early?

Despite the repeated media accounts about the virtue of waiting to full retirement age (or longer) to start receiving Social Security benefits, there are some fundamental reasons why it does make sense in some cases to file file at age 62.…

The Most Consistent Question–When Should I File for Social Security Benefits?

The general question of “When should I file for Social Security benefits?” is one of the most common questions on the minds of folks approaching age 62. In fact, AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service, an acclaimed service available free…

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