AMAC Foundation
Fact Check: Do Immigrants Receive More Benefits Than Average Social Security Payments
This is false. To start with, the figures used in this discussion are incorrect. Peter Gattuso for The Dispatch explains the average social security payment is higher and the immigrant benefit is not monthly. It is part of a small…
The Impact of Proposed Social Security Changes, From Doing Nothing to Scrapping the Cap

Several proposed changes are being considered to help address Social Security’s looming insolvency problem. Susan Rupe, managing editor at Advisor News, explains many of the options here. As an example of the leading thoughts on reforming Social Security, the Association of…
O’Malley: Congress Needs to Pass Spending Bill to help Social Security Continue and Improve Function to Help Recipients
The Social Security Administration Commissioner Martin O’Malley is concerned about keeping up services to the public unless Congress passes an increase spending bill soon. He has been waiting for this and needs it to help with hiring customer service staff,…
What should Younger Workers do NOW to have a financially solid retirement?
A big advantage to starting younger is having a lot more time to plan. There are savings, investments and other opportunities to start early that could have a huge impact on your retirement income. Jordan Rosenfeld For GoBankingRates explains here……
Cost of Living Adjustment to be Announced on October 10, 2024

After months of estimated projections, we will finally have a concrete amount for the benefits increase starting in December and showing up in January 2025 payments. That’s the”good” news. However, it’s essential to remember that an expected increase in Medicare…
The Social Security Administration released adjustments to benefit payment criteria
In an effort to streamline payment processes Social Security has made some updates to payment schedules. IDR News Network explains here… Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content of the posted article. The URL (internet address) for this…
Option for Increasing Social Security Revenue
Senator Ron Wyden says imposing Social Security tax on wealthy incomes above the current limit is the way to fund Social Security until the end of the century. Jake Johnson for Common Dreams explains here… Similar to many consulting organizations,…
An Open Discussion about Aging in America
Alessandra Malito for Market Watch has a frank discussion about retirement in America and Social Security’s part in it. What can people do at any age to prepare for retirement? Read here… Similar to many consulting organizations, the Association of…
Repercussions of a Social Security Benefits Cut
If Social Security”s insolvency issue is not resolved benefits will be cut by 21% in 2033. What does this mean for retirees living on Social Security and also others who count on Social Security as part of their retirement planning?…
Good News and Bad News concerning latest COLA update

The Cost of Living Adjustment for 2025 is a hot topic right now. Ahead of the actual announcement of the COLA increase percentage, there are many perspectives, thoughts and analysis of what that percentage may be. The latest update predicts…