AMAC Foundation

Who is Eligible for a Spouse Benefit?

A spouse benefit is available in many different situations, primarily when a lower earning spouse’s benefit is less than 50% of a higher earning spouses benefit when taken at Full Retirement Age (FRA). In some cases ex spouses are eligible…

Reforming Social Security

Social Security needs updates now to avoid a decrease in benefits for all beneficiaries in about 10 years. There are an abundance of ideas on how this should be accomplished. This Watchblog by the Government Accountability Office gives us a…

Is the Notice I received from Social Security to Change My Account a Scam?

This is not a scam. Social Security is requiring everyone who has a myssaccount to change it so that it can be accessed through It will make access to our Social Security information consistent for all users. An article…

The Logic of Claiming Social Security at 67

You can choose to start collecting Social Security at any age between 62 and 70. So many options can cause confusion. Maurie Backman at The Motley Fool makes a good case for taking your benefits at your Full Retirement Age…

What do Think Tanks say about Donald Trump’s Proposed Tax Cut for Social Security Recipients?

Some say it is not a good idea because it will benefit the “wealthy”. What is the definition of “wealthy”? There are lots of seniors making under $100,000 a year that would benefit greatly, especially widows and widowers. Yes, if…

If You Claimed Social Security Benefits too early, You Could Consider the “do over” option.

The “do over” option is a little known strategy that allows you to pay back the benefits you have received within one year of starting them and start over again at a later date. It can be helpful for some,…

Does your State Tax Social Security Benefits?

The federal government DOES tax Social Security benefits, but most states do not. Find out which states do and which states don’t here… Notice: The link provided above connects readers to the full content of the posted article. The URL (internet address)…

Social Security rules have been consistent for the last 40 years

If you are new to Social Security the rules can seem complicated and confusing, however, there have been hardly any changes at all since 1983. The basic rules, spouse benefit rules, survivor rules and disability rules are unchanged. So, once…

Basics for Everyone Participating in Social Security

Although most of the basic rules and regulations associated with Social Security have been covered in the many searchable articles on this site, a post by VIBUS contributor Fran Candelera brings together “10 things Americans need to know about retirement…

AI and Social Security—Perfect Together? Maybe Not!

The headlong rush into artificial intelligence (AI) these days produces a steady stream of new players.  As a concept, though, AI dates back several decades, with a simple mission of using computer science and robust datasets to enable problem-solving. The…

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