Indirectly Addressing Social Security’s Woes

In Late August, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) praised the 1.6 million jobs created this year and the highest level of wage gains since 2009, largely attributing these factors as evidence of the efforts underway in the current…

No 401k? Don’t Give Up…You Still Have Options

The problem of inadequate wealth accumulation for one’s future retirement security is an issue appearing frequently–some would say constantly–in the financial media these days. You’ve no doubt seen the statistics, like the National Institute on Retirement Security’s conclusion that  66% of people…

Social Security Reform: Hitting the Nail on the Head

It was a statement made five years ago, but it’s even more relevant today as we continue to roll closer to Social Security’s projected insolvency. The statement, as highlighted in a post today by The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams on,…

A Quick Review of FRA and its Implications

The Motley Fool’s Matthew Frankel, in a post today on, re-explains the full retirement age (FRA) concept, noting that a Fidelity Investments survey last year concluded that only about a quarter of Americans were aware of theirs. His post goes…

SSA Office Closings Intensify Public Concerns

Recently-announced plans to close Social Security Administration field offices in Arlington and Baltimore have shed new light on a wave of discontent among the elderly and those in need of on-site service from the agency. Washington Post reporter Patricia Sullivan, in a…

An Update on the Case for Social Security Reform

As the calendar continues its relentless march toward 2034, and as media accounts of what this date means to the solvency of Social Security repeatedly surface, there continues to be a clear message that near-term progress to address the problem is unlikely.…

Planning on Working in Retirement? What if You Can’t?

The statistics are  impressive: 79% of future retirees expecting to hold a job in their retirement years, for example. For some, working fills a social need; for others it fills an economic need. And for still others, having this as…

More on Fixing Social Security’s Solvency Problem

In a post on, The Motley Fool’s Sean Williams offers another recap of Social Security’s oft-reported long-term solvency problem. Along with his synopsis, Williams hearkens back to a similar–albeit not as dire–situation in the 1980s, and illustrates how a…

Rep. Johnson Opens Hearing on Need for Permanent SSA Commissioner

Yesterday, House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-TX) delivered the opening statement for a Committee meeting on the need for appointment of a Social Commissioner “empowered to make strategic decisions regarding the long-term operation of the…

Your Social Security Benefits: The Importance of Understanding the System

Getting the most out of your earned Social Security benefits is one of the keys to building the best financial situation for your retirement years. Achieving this desired situation, though, requires a clear understanding of the rules and complexities associated…

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