Baby Boomers
Pace of Retirements Continuing to Accelerate
You’ve most likely seen the oft-repeated statistic that 10,000 “Baby Boomers” turn 65 each day (unfortunately, by the way, that specific statistic perpetuates the myth that age 65 is the “normal” retirement age!) Well, that 10,000 number is growing. In…
Boomers: Some Thoughts on Retirement Strategies
MoneyWatch’s Steve Vernon, in a post on, examines the dilemma faced by many members of the “baby boom” generation–inadequate financial resources for their years in retirement. As he points out in his post, those falling into this category “… will…
The Retirement Road Ahead for Baby Boomers…Not ahAll that Smooth
According to conclusions drawn by the Stanford Center on Longevity (SCL), the Baby Boomer population segment faces some white water in their retirement years. Citing a shortfall in accumulated wealth and the absence of discernible interest in shoring up their finances…
Boomers Confident About Retirement Lifestyle, but is it Wishful Thinking?
Citing an NHP Foundation quote pointing to a “disconnect between Baby Boomers’ current financial status and where they perceive themselves in retirement,” a post by PlanAdvisor’s Lee Barney takes a look at a potential disconnect between where those age 50 and older…