early retirement
The Early Filing Question (Again)–More Viewpoints
One of the most frequent questions we receive here at the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service deals with when to start drawing retirement benefits, and specifically the economics associated with starting at the earliest possible age (62). We typically…
The perils of filing for Social Security early
Most folks aging into Social Security eligibility are aware that they can file for benefits at age 62. What they may not be fully aware of, though, is the downsides associated with the decision to file before reaching full retirement…
More Thoughts on Deferring Social Security Benefits
The value of holding off on Social Security benefits is pretty well known these days, and many financial advisors extol the virtue of an 8% return on your deferred benefits (especially in view of the paltry–and declining–interest rates offered by…
The Personal Aspects of Deciding on Retirement
Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all template for those wondering when they should embrace retirement. It’s a decision that has many facets and implications, but the most fundamental is one’s health and financial situation. But assuming you’re in a position…
Claiming Benefits Before Age 62
Most folks assume age 62 to be the absolute earliest age one can begin to draw benefits from Social Security. While that’s generally true, there are (as always) some exceptions to this rule. The Motley Fool’s Kailey Hagen, in a post…
More on When to Retire–A Helpful Chart
The general question of “When should I retire?” is one of the most frequent inquiries fielded by the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service. And while our general first response is, “It depends,” we do spend time discussing the reasons…
The Implications of Filing for Social Security Early
MarketWatch contributor Brenton Smith provides, in a post on www.marketwatch.com, some thoughts on the long-term implications of filing for Social Security benefits before reaching full retirement age or even before age 70, when delayed retirement credits stop. His analysis of Social…
The Links Between Saving and Early Retirement
While retiring early seems to be a growing trend, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the longer you need to fund those retirement years, the larger nest egg you’ll need to amass. And in addition, the lesser…
Social Security’s Infamous “Earnings Test”

Investment News Contributing Editor Mary Beth Franklin, in a post on www.investmentnews.com, takes an in-depth look at one of the components of Social Security that surprises–and causes some level of heartburn for–folks planning to retire before their full retirement age and…
The Impact of Stopping Work Before Claiming Benefits
In a Q&A post on forbes.com, contributor Larry Kotlikoff answers a question from a reader who left the workforce at age 63 but has not yet filed for benefits. His question dealt with the impact that this early exit from the…