
Deja Vu All Over Again With Respect to Retirement Sentiment

The “Great Recession” of a decade and a half ago produced a chilling effect on many folks’ retirement thinking, with many market-based savings plans–401ks in particular–taking a brutal hammering. If you were already in retirement, or at the threshold of…

President Trump: Payroll Tax Cut Off the Table

In a reversal of thought highlighted in our Headline article from yesterday, the Washington Post carried a clip of President Trump explaining that there is no need for a payroll tax cut to stimulate the economy. Citing a strong economy…

Social Security’s Future: The Millennial Perspective

Call them Generation Y, Gen Y, or “echo Boomers,” but know one thing: this group of future retirees called Millennials appears to be growing worried about the future of Social Security. Millennials, generally considered to be those born from the…

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