financial planning

Will your Retirement Budget Meet your Needs?

Financial Planning for retirement is challenging. Some parts of the equation are known and some need to be analyzed and estimated. It’s best to look at different scenarios. This article by Mark Henricks for smartasset published on June 5, 2024…

Fitting Social Security Into Your Retirement Financial Plan

Many folks are aware that Social Security, by design, will not completely cover their desired level of comfort in retirement. Its basic intent is to serve as a mechanism to keep seniors from falling into poverty, with the expectation that…

Survey Points to Feelings of Retirement Insecurity Among Women

A survey sponsored by the National Council on Aging and the Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement. The poll of 1200 U.S. women aged 25 and older, conducted by Public Opinion Strategies and Lake Research Partners, reports that more than…

End-of-year financial planning tips

It is the end of another year; time to look over what you accomplished or not this year and set goals for the following year. When reviewing your finances, you should have clear goals in mind for 2023. If you…

Financial Preparedness and Retirement Planning: The Stress Equation

FEDweek’s editorial staff takes a look at recent conclusions drawn by the Employee Benefit Research Institute suggesting that being financially prepared for retirement can relieve much of the stress typically encountered in this phase of retirement planning. Their article takes a…

Retirement–It’s More Than Just the Money

A post by Christopher Robbins on suggests that financial advisors need to stress that retirement preparedness goes beyond the financial planning work that’s been done. According to Robbins, “Retirement carries implications for a person’s physical and mental well-being that cannot…

Student Loan Debt and the Impact on Retirement Savings

Saving money–for any reason–can be a difficult thing for many people, and for young and middle-aged adults, saving for retirement is a far away place that often gets pushed aside. Whether it’s debt incurred by the adult themselves of debt…

Delaying Retirement as a Strategy to Deal With Financial Planning’s Uncertanties

Like so much in life, planning for your financial future in retirement is not easy. There are many unknowns, and many variables that even the best, most well-trained financial planners can’t adequately prepare you for. So, what should you do.…

Getting the Most Out of Social Security: Some Tips

If you’ve spent any time thinking about Social Security and analyzing where and how it fits into your retirement financial strategy, you’re well-versed in the benefits of deferring benefits past age 62, as well as the longer-term advantage of collecting…

Retirement Planning: Balancing Social Security Against Spending Plans

It’s not an easy task, and it takes a lot more than a good crystal ball, but figuring out what income you’ll have in retirement and balancing it against how you’ll spend it is essential to achieving peace of mind…

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