Getting the Most Out of Social Security: Some Tips

If you’ve spent any time thinking about Social Security and analyzing where and how it fits into your retirement financial strategy, you’re well-versed in the benefits of deferring benefits past age 62, as well as the longer-term advantage of collecting deferred retirement credits available after you reach your full retirement age. In addition to this basic timing strategy, though, it’s good to know that there are several other techniques that could be equally beneficial for you and your family. For example, considering your health and family history can help you make an informed decision on when to file for benefits, as can paying attention to the timing of spousal benefits and surviving spouse benefits.
These are just a few of the key points to consider when planning your venture into Social Security and retirement, and there are others. Check out this post by Personal Finance Center’s Michael Camacho for some additional pointers. Then, if you still have questions about what’s best for your individual situation, take a look at the AMAC Foundation’s Social Security Advisory Service, where NSSA’Certified Advisors are available to help you understand the options available to you.