Full retirement age

Claiming Benefits Early…Not Always a Bad Move

Most financial counselors will advise clients to defer filing for Social Security benefits as long as possible, but at least until reaching full retirement age. This strategy will ensure that your monthly benefits payment will avoid the reduction accompanying the…

What you need to know about filing for Social Security

Are you thinking about filing for your Social Security benefits in 2025? Although you may have a basic idea of your benefits, several rules could result in less money than anticipated. Kailey Hagen outlines the three things you need to…

Is it a good idea to invest your Social Security in the markets?

Is retirement all about numbers, or are there more factors to consider when deciding at what age you should retire? Is it better to wait until age 70 to maximize your Social Security benefits, or take it early and invest…

You may not want to wait until 70

You can start your retirement benefit at any point from age 62 up until age 70. Your benefit will be higher the longer you delay your start date. Although starting your benefits at age 70 will maximize your monthly income,…

Ask Rusty – Should my Husband File and then Suspend His Benefits?

Dear Rusty:  My financial advisor used a computer program which told my husband to take his SS at age 68, then suspend it after a few months. What I understood was if my husband started and then stopped taking distributions,…

Deciding when to take Social Security Benefits

There are many options for deciding when to take your Social Security benefits. You can claim them anytime between age 62 and 70. It is an important decision. It is best to consider your finances, your health and your family…

Social Security Rules to help Make the Best “When to Claim” Decision

Although millions of people are receiving or about to receive Social Security benefits some rules are not as well known as others. These 3 in particular can affect your benefit amount: You have to work at least 35 years to…

“Fixing” Social Security–A quick recap of some of the ideas being advanced

Money.com’s Pete Grieve, in a post on nasdaq.com, provides a quick summary of five of the ideas currently circulating among various proposals to address Social Security’s looming insolvency problem. As Grieve points out, public sentiment for resolving the matter “sooner…

Understanding How Age At Filing Impacts Benefit Levels

Getting the highest Social Security benefit possible is generally only a dream for most workers. It requires a long career in a high-paying job, along with deferring benefits all the way to age 70 to take advantage of delayed retirement…

Making the Decision – When to Claim Social Security Benefits

You can claim your Social Security Benefits anytime between the ages of 62 and 70. Claiming earlier than your Full Retirement Age (FRA) reduces your payment and waiting beyond your FRA increases your benefit. Christy Bieber for The Motley Fool…

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