Full retirement age
About Raising Social Security’s Full Retirement Age
Hyperbole and apparent political endorsement aside, this Motley Fool article by Maurie Backman identifies and tacitly endorses a controversial solution to Social Security’s financial woes – raising the full retirement age (FRA). FRA is when a claimant can get 100%…
Be Smart About Your Social Security Benefits
Let’s face it – Social Security was never meant to be your sole source of income in retirement. In reality, Social Security provides only about 40% of what you’ll need to retire comfortably, so having an additional source of income…
The best age to begin your Social Security benefits
You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up…
Ask yourself these three questions
Social Security is the largest source of income for most beneficiaries, replacing only 33 to 55 percent of earnings for the average worker. So, it is essential to make the most of your benefits. Katie Brockman suggests you ask yourself…
Help boost the amount of your monthly check
A recent Gallup poll found that 59 percent of retirees said their monthly Social Security check is their leading source of income. So, achieving a higher monthly benefit is essential to many seniors. But what if you were many Americans…
Is it worth it to take early retirement?
We all dream of early retirement, but what if someone told you the financial benefits of working just one year longer? Would you do it? Or would you say, I want to retire; I’ve been working for forty years. Jordan…
Many seniors find “un-retiring” is a better option
For many seniors, working a whole career can get stale, causing retirement to look extremely attractive. But about 2 in 5 Americans have found that retirement isn’t all they dreamed it to be, and have returned to work – in…
Need to bolster your retirement income? Here’s how
Of course, everyone wants to maximize their retirement income, but options for doing that as you approach retirement age are scant. You’ve already saved as much as you were able to over your lifetime, so your nest egg is set…
Working during retirement – an increasing trend
“Back in the old days,” as some would say, you worked many years in your career, and then retired to your so-called “golden years” of leisure, collecting your pension and your Social Security benefits. Well, the “old days” are no…
Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security?
Is there an ideal age to claim Social Security? Well, recent research on this topic suggests that age 70 is the best age in most circumstances but, curiously, that is not the age at which most beneficiaries actually claimed. A…