Full retirement age
Unplanned early retirement
Some people have their retirement all planned out from an early age, and then there are the rest of us, playing catch-up in our 50s and 60s. Unfortunately, some of us find ourselves in early retirement due to circumstances beyond…
Ideal retirement age
According to recent data, America’s ideal retirement age is 59.4. Although that sounds wonderful, it does come with some drawbacks. Maurie Backman advises why this ideal retirement age could be problematic for many individuals. Read Ms. Backman’s article here… Notice:…
Turning 65 this year, you need to start planning

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. population is approaching a landmark sometimes called Peak 65, or silver tsunami, when more than 12,000 people will start turning 65 each day, hitting an estimated total of 4 million for the…
Ask Rusty – Can I Claim Social Security and Still Work?
Dear Rusty: I will be turning 63 soon. Can I apply for Social Security and continue to work? Would I be limited to how many hours or how much I could make? I know my monthly SS amount would be…
Adjusting the Retirement Age: Extreme or Sensible? One viewpoint.

The debate over how best to address Social Security’s looming catastrophe is raging again. No surprise there, since it’s a presidential election year and that means pretty much any specific suggestion to address the problem acquires polar opposite viewpoints. A…
“SSI” vs. Social Security retirement or “SSDI” benefits
Social Security certainly can be a confusing program, with over 2800 rules codified in over 100,000 SSA website pages. Then add in that the Social Security Administration also administers other assistance programs on behalf of the federal government, and the…
How much will your Social Security benefit be?
The average retiree actually gets a benefit likely much smaller than you think. Many believe that after contributing to Social Security for an entire lifetime, they will be able to retire in financial comfort, but the reality is much less…
Can you get the maximum Social Security benefit?

Well, the probable answer is “no” because there is a pretty high bar to achieve that goal. Basically, you’d need to earn at least as much as the annual payroll tax cap for at least 35 years, pay Social Security…
Applying for Social Security? Here’s what you need to know
Applying for your Social Security benefits usually is part of a huge step in your life – retirement. And although many who are thinking about finally claiming their hard-earned Social Security payments, they are also uncertain about where to start.…
What is the best age to claim Social Security?
It’s something of an age-old question but, curiously, one where the reality of when most people claim seems to conflict with the optimum age for them to do so. This Nasdaq article by Motely Fool’s Katie Brockman explains that while…