Be careful if contributing to an HSA while on Social Security

Sarah O’Brien of CNBC writes an important and informative piece here for those that regularly contribute to a health savings account (HSA) and plan to tap Social Security past full retirement age. Folks must be careful not to run afoul of…
Underestimating Retirement Healthcare Costs a Dangerous Mistake
While Americans often overestimate the Social Security benefits they will one day receive, many underestimate what their health care expenditures will be. According to data cited by Nationwide, the average pre-retiree aged 50+ expects healthcare in retirement to cost $7,000 a…
Be Careful of HSAs with Social Security and Medicare
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a great vehicle for those with a high deductible health insurance plan, as they offer triple tax advantages. But, as Sarah O’Brien of CNBC writes, those that regularly contribute to an HSA and plan to claim…
HSAs as a Retirement Funding Vehicle?
Accumulating retirement funds via a Health Savings Account seems to be coming into its own, according to a post on asppa-net.org by contributor John Iekel. Calling HSAs a “well kept secret, Iekel suggests “Though designed in a health plan context, HSAs are quite…